Hi, I’m Ta

It sounds like Tay.

I’ve been published in Minimalism Life’s Newsletter, spent time as a feature writer for Wellineux.com and had articles published in the magazines TRAVEL PLAY LIVE and Well in You.

I send every Subscriber my Poetry Book as a thank-you.

I hiked to Base Camp and, from that, wrote a popular guidebook about all you need to know in hiking to Everest Base Camp.

I hiked that far as my feet tried to help me gain clarity in what the meaning in this life might be because it sure feels like there is one. Here is one of my posts about life's meaning, and another, and one on what I think about a life purpose. My interview series, Embarking on Eudaimonia, taps into others’ wisdom on this wonder about life too.

At present my focus has come back in from the wider world as I raise two little beings. I’m enjoying being brought back to the smaller things and am finding a lot of meaning in there, too.

I’m on Facebook too.

Welcome to my Substack; Notes My Heart Wrote, you will find life's big questions in intimate discussions via:

  1. Weekly Articles

  2. Fortnightly Interviews

Why Subscribe

Firstly, I say thank you with a copy of my poetry book in your welcome email.

On Substack, I share things I don’t anywhere else. I get vulnerable with behind-the-scenes articles planned for just here. I talked about my tattoos for the first time in this series. All articles will go to your inbox, so you can read them when you have had the chance to make a cuppa and take that five minutes of self-care you need.

I hike all over Tasmania and have as far as Base Camp, travelled to many countries, from New Zealand to Japan to Cambodia, and more all whilst I carry the big questions about life, which I come back here to write about.

Subscribe below to be sent a copy.

I wrote this poem about my writing. It sounds so bold; it is an inspiration and aspiration for me to live up to. May it inspire the parts of you quaking at the vulnerability required to be a writer/creator too.


It is my job to reveal how we feel in the deep, dark corners of our bones.

I acknowledge the days when we are scared and feeling all alone.

I hold my heartbreak in the light, so you know your pain is shared,

show you how I’m struggling, so you find hope in your despair.

It is my job to pick the scabs, of wounds that cut the deepest,

to take the mess of my life and give you goosebumps it’s so realist.

I accept the challenge of baring soul, revealing all my faults.

I accept I’m laid bare, vulnerable, here’s my wound, pour the salt.

I’m a writer, a poet, a storyteller, emotion collector.

I have been judged for this, but accept there is no protector.

I wouldn’t want to change it, for in my weakness, I rise strong,

showing how broken I am, suddenly we see we all belong.

I ask for strength to go deeper every single day.

I want to reveal all we feel, everything that we don’t say.

I am called from an internal silence to show you all my violence,

but it is in this very silence the words scream the loudest,

and suddenly you feel it, that moment all around us,

when we cling together in the dark, bound by what’s out there,

when we come together and grow strong from all that we share.

I am a revealer of all the things we keep deep down inside.

I am the one that sings, the heartache others prefer to to hide.


The content is free. Sharing my writing is the best support I can get - thank you.

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KIND WORDS ~ Thanks for your thanks, it is the spark to my flame

I’m just now sitting down and scrolling through your blog. LOOOOVE IT. I feel like I could stay on it for a while - so welcoming and leaves me with such a lovely feeling - that I cannot explain. Going back to explore some more ... Danielle

Hi, thank you so much. Awesome loved every word.   Karla

Love the blog – went through the editions last night. They all resonated with me - Somedays in particular – your definition of beauty – so wonderfully put. John

Interesting, thought provoking. A worthy read. Di

Beautiful piece, definitely brought a tear in my eyes. Vishal

I love this post and can relate so very much. Emma

I love reading your work. You are such an insightful young woman. Janice

A beautiful piece and well done, love the thousand steps and can relate to a path less travelled. Greg

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What to read if you're wondering what our path in life asks of our dance with self.


Exploring what our path in life asks of our dance with self via articles, interviews and poetry.